"ShatterCast" is a production of Shattered Studios, a non-profit organization that seeks to share hope and faith through the performance, creative, and media arts."ShatterCast" discusses the latest trends and news from the arts and entertainment industries including video games, movies, tv shows, board games, and more all from a faith perspective. "Shattered Unplugged" is our special feature where we conduct interviews and share Encouraging Thoughts from our team members. "Through the Realm of Light and Shadow" is our brand new Role-Play Adventure Series set in the world of J. R. R. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings Series.
Giving Thanks in 2021
Shattered Studios
Our team wanted to take a moment to share some things we are thankful for as we approach Thanksgiving in the U.S. and the holiday season around the world.
Discover some things we are appreciative of and why we are thankful for YOU as well.
As always, thanks again for all of your encouragement and support.
We hope you have a great start to the Holiday Season and God Bless!
Check out the video version here: